14887 Southwest Freeway Sugar Land, TX 77478

(281) 565 8099



Rhinoplasty, what is it?

Rhinoplasty is a nose operation that changes the shape or size of the nose. It may be necessary for functional reasons or be purely aesthetic. In both cases, it is a delicate surgical operation which requires recovery time.


Definition of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical operation that aims to change the shape or size of the nose. It should not be confused with septoplasty which is the treatment of the deviation of the nasal septum. The two operations can however sometimes be carried out at the same time by the surgeon.

When is rhinoplasty used?

Rhinoplasty is most often for purely aesthetic purposes, regardless of any functional discomfort. On the other hand, rhino-septoplasty may sometimes be necessary to treat nasal obstruction and all the symptoms associated with it, such as difficulty breathing. In this case, the aesthetic improvement of the nose is not the primary goal, but the intervention can still lead to a change in the morphology of the patient’s nose (reduction of a bump or straightening of the ridge nasal).

How is the operation carried out?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. More complex procedures may require an overnight hospital stay. The procedure usually lasts 1 to 2 hours.

The course of the act depends on the purpose of the operation. If this is to make the nose smaller, the surgeon will remove some of the cartilage and bone. On the contrary, if the goal is to increase the size of the nose, it is necessary to take cartilage from the ears and use them to reshape the nose. For this the incision is made on the outside, around the base of the nose. It is also possible to make small incisions on the side of the nose to change the shape of the nose (including the nostrils), fracturing the nose and rearranging the cartilage.

Finally, in some cases, a metal or plastic splint may be placed outside the nose. This helps maintain the new shape of the bone when the surgery is complete. Soft plastic splints can also be placed in the nostrils to secure the nasal septum (septum) while breathing.

The convalescence

The recovery following the operation depends in part on the type of anesthesia and his patient. In any case, it can take up to two weeks to fully recover and up to several months before you see the full effects of the operation on the nose. To prevent bleeding after the operation, the surgeon may leave wicks in the nostrils. It is therefore impossible to breathe properly through the nose until they are removed.

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Actual Before and After Photos:

Dr. Horndeski was great. I had both a nose job and chin implant at the same time. Admittedly, I was very nervous (leave well enough alone mentality), but I am so glad I did it. Dr. H told me it would take a year before I would see my final result so I hesistated giving my review sooner. However, a year has passed and VERY happy with the results and glad I did it. Definitely was a great boom to my confidence.


I always felt like I had a really big ugly nose with a bump on top. I did my research and after reading all of this surgeons great reviews I contacted the office. BTW very friendly staff. All I can say now is “Thank you to Dr. Gary Horndeski” thanks to your magic hands my problem is fixed. He is a great surgeon!! I am a perfectionist!! During my free consultation I discussed all of my concerns with Dr. Horndeski, he answered all of my question very clearly. Seeing before and after pictures also helped a lot. The recovery time was not bad or much. I was able to go back to my regular routine in 2 weeks. I should of done this along time ago!! If anyone out there is having this same problem…don’t hesitate!! Call Dr. Horndeski’s office ASAP…he can make it all better!


I LOVE my new nose. It is perfect and people tell me all the time how cute my nose is.


I had always felt uncomfortable with the ‘bump’ on my nose and the hooked tip. I was self concious and hated having my picture taken from the side.

I absolutely love my rhinoplasty and chin augmentation! I’d always wanted my nose done, but was always afraid of the pain and scarring. I have a skin condition that causes me to form widened and raised red scars.Dr. H not only explained that I did not need my nose to be broken but he also assured me that he would hide my incision inside my nostrils so that I wouldn’t have a problem with a visible scar! He was right! You can’t even tell I had surgery!! No scars! He also placed a chin implant (which I didn’t realize I needed-it made my face more balanced) inside my mouth so that I wouldn’t have a scar on my chin. My results look so natural that even my family noticed I had surgery! They just kept complementing me as to how pretty I looked! Dr. H does beautiful work without the ‘tale-tale’signs of plastic surgery.

My mom was so amazed that she decided to have a facelift and her eye lids done. She is 72 yrs. old, but she looks like she is 20yrs younger!! Her friends at the senior’s club are so jealous!! She gets compliments every day and she is tickled to death with her non visible scars!
